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VPS is short for a Virtual Private Server. VPS hosting is one of the most popular hosting services you can choose for your website. It uses virtualization technology to provide you with dedicated (private) resources on a server with multiple users.It’s a more secure and stable solution than shared hosting where you don’t get a dedicated server space. However, it’s smaller-scale and cheaper than renting an entire server.VPS hosting is usually chosen by website owners who have medium-level traffic that exceeds the limits of shared hosting plans but still don’t need the resources of a dedicated server.

Users are guaranteed the resources on their VPS web hosting account. This means that your account will always be allocated the set amount of RAM, CPU, and Disk Space you’ve chosen regardless of what other users on the server are doing. This allows for greater stability and performance of your website. You also do not share the Operating System with any other users, providing better security for your website files.

Users of Shared hosting all share the resources on the server their websites are on. There is no guarantee of RAM or CPU with Shared hosting. Shared hosting also does not provide full root access to the server, as opposed to VPS package where users are given full root access to perform commands and make configuration changes to their hosting environment.

Getting started with VPS hosting is easy with as your VPS hosting provider. Simply choose from our VPS hosting packages based on the amount of resources your website needs and follow the sign up instructions. Once you have an account, you can easily upgrade to more resources from within your customer dashboard.

Using a VPS requires basic knowledge of server administration. It is essential for managing the operating system (Linux or Windows) installed on the machine, and configuring the applications.