Total security and facilities management.
Equipped with up-to-date power and cooling backup systems
Total security and facilities management. Physical security of premises. A secured rack environment. Lockable rack cabinets. Regulated power supply. Three-phase power system with N+1 UPS. Redundant diesel backup generators. Redundant HV AC systems. Smoke detection system. Fire detection system. High-grade inergen fire extinguishing system (FM-200). Standard heavy duty, anti-static, raised fireproof flooring and gates. Fully weather conditioned with automated temperature and humidity levels. 24/7 Video surveillance. 24/7 Access Control. 24/7 Alarm security. Security Personnel

From 1 to 20U rack space in a standard shared rack. 42U rack space in a standard rack. Caged collocation – Cage construction with mechanical lock and restricted access. Suite coloration – Fully-enclosed custom made collocation suites. Power distribution design and material charges for implementation. Collocation infrastructure design and consulting. Project management support to client for making caged collocation area operational. Salable Capacities and Bandwidth for Network interconnections and Internet Services. Working space for customers in the need from time to time.
Access to unlimited bandwidth connectivity directly connected to the backbone of all the local fiber optic cable network operators. (CYTA, PrimeTel, MTN, Cablenet). Network with up to 99.99% availability guaranteed. Power up-time with 99.99% uptime guaranteed (proven tracked record of 100% up-time for the past 9 years. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week system monitoring and NOC support. Strong SLAs

High availability
Our data centers set the standards for redundant power and climate control, giving you the confidence you will have the power necessary to run your mission-critical services.
Our facilities are built in secure structures. Multiple layers of security, including video surveillance, ensure that access is granted only to the appropriate individuals. Access is logged and retained.
Add compute systems, new applications, databases, etc. without interrupting business operations.
Our data centers are powered by multiple power feeds from separate sources, backed up by multiple UPS and diesel powered generator systems.
Carrier-neutral network
Our facilities utilize multiple carrier-neutral, high-speed internet feeds, ensuring reasonably priced bandwidth delivered over a secure network.
VPSCY NOC ensures top performance in event management, enforce security standards and assist with client requests.